Yeshiva World News censors strike again to protect Agudath Israel from scrutiny

Below is headline from Yeshiva World News on November 21 2018 and my response to the accompanying article. YWN is upset about government intrusion into into yeshiva private school curriculum design. I admit to being a little sarcastic in my comment but it was not malicious.
 Yeshiva World News did not post my comment probably because they do not want to rock the boat with Agudath Israel while the Agudah annual convention is taking place. The Agudath Israel organization should be helping Orthodox Jewish families fight for their religious rights to not be discriminated against for refusing to vaccinate based on sincerely held religious beliefs. It seems  that a quid pro quo agreement between Agudah and New York State was reached back in 2006. In exchange for the New York State Health Department's support against the New York City Health department's attempt to regulate Circumcision, Agudah apparently agreed to help promote vaccine compliance and agreed to not oppose Marriage equality legislation. 

SHOCK: New NYS Guidelines Require Yeshiva Elementary Schools to Teach AT LEAST 6 HOURS A DAY of Secular Studies

Censored Comment by Flatbush Anti Vaxxer
The irony here is almost poetic.
Yeshiva World News should welcome government involvement  and control of how we raise our children. The majority of "experts" agree that for proper health a child must receive certain types and manners of education. To paraphrase Rabbi Dr. Glatt, "6 hours of what WE say you need, or homeschool". Now that we have preconditioned the public that it is acceptable to throw  non compliant antivaxxers out of school, this new educational requirement  should not be difficult. Perhaps now is the time for a little history lesson. Back in 2006 in the Jewish Observer Vol. 39, No. 3 (April 2006), the Agudah, specifically Rabbi Dovid Zweibel,  put forth the argument that religious exemptions to vaccines should serve as a precedence of religion having priority over perceived public health interests. For some reason the Agudah and Rabbi Zweibel only bucked the majority of the "experts" in the medical establishment to defend religious rights when it came to the issue of a scientifically controversial circumcision procedure. They have been quiet when dozens and perhaps hundreds of children have been thrown out of school for claiming a legal religious exemption from vaccination. The rumor is that back in 2006, Askonim traded compliance and support for state vaccination protocols in exchange for the government backing off from regulating circumcision. There is also a rumor that Askonim agreed to not oppose the New York State Marriage equality law  as part of this deal.  Of course one must always follow the money. There is government funding from the CDC for vaccine compliance activities. This money gets funneled through non profit organizations like Agudah and the various "nonprofit" health and social service NGOs serving our community. Perhaps in the merit of defending the freedom of underdog anti vaxxers, the decree against educational freedom can be overturned.
