More Censorship,Distortion, and incitement to violence From Yeshiva World News

 On November 13thYeshiva World News Published a Rabbinic ruling concerning vaccination. I commented on that post. My comment is below as is the censored version that YWN published. Among the reasons I prefer to remain anonymous is because Yeshiva World News  is pushing a false narrative that anti vaxxers are murderers and "Rodfim" - the plural of "Rodef". It is literally dangerous to be outspoken on this issue when the fake news media of which YWN is a card carrying member, is calling for persecution of anti vaxxers. Shame on you Yeshiva World News.
My full comment
With all due respects to Rabbis Fuerst and Reiss. The science you have based this ruling on is inaccurate.Therefore your Psak has to be considered null and void. Furthermore, for you to state that exposing others to an unvaccinated individual during an outbreak is an act of “Rodef” is highly inaccurate and irresponsible. In the aftermath of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchok Rabin which was justified with the term “Rodef”, that term should absolutely not be employed for any public policy purposes. In fact it is reprehensible.

My censored comment
With all due respects to Rabbis Fuerst and Reiss. The science you have based this ruling on is inaccurate.Therefore your Psak has to be considered null and void.
Moderators Note: Rabbi Fuerst and Rabbi Reiss had the guts to sign a paper. While you hide under “flatbushantivaxxer”.
