Censorship of Vaccine Choice proponent comments on Yeshiva World News and incitement to violence
I am posting some of my recent comments that I have submitted to Yeshiva World News on the vaccine issue. In numerous instances they have either opted to not publish my comments or have edited them in order to misconstrue what I said. Yeshiva World News recently went so far as to publicly label me a "Kofer Batorah" - a nonbeliever or one who rejects the divinity of the Torah because I objected to their misleading headline and false interpretation of a Rabbinic ruling from some Israeli Torah sages. Censorship by a website that purports to be a "News" source is disturbing. When that same website engages in a deliberate, orchestrated, propaganda campaign to demonize people they disagree with, it reaches a whole new level of unacceptability. The vile comments that they have not censored are most disturbing. They have allowed a barrage of comments that either directly or implicitly call for the murder, execution, social exclusion,expulsion, and ostracizing, of unvaccinated healthy people. Calling non vaccinators "murderers" over and over again in their headlines and commentary may be akin to shouting fire in a crowded theater. I refer to two specific hebrew words that have appeared numerous times to describe "antivaxxers" - "Rodef" and "Rotzeach". "Rodef" a pursuer with murderous intent and Rotzeach - a murderer. The use of such terminology is not benign and is reprehensible. I remind the editors of YWN that the "Rodef Defense" was used by Yigal Amir and his supporters to justify the disgusting murder of Prime Minister Yitchak Rabin. You should be ashamed of yourselves and you owe me and the rest of the pro vaccine choice community a public repudiation and apology for your irresponsible fake news propaganda and your incitement to violence.
Below is just a small sampling.
Rav Fuerst says he did alot of research into the issue (of vaccinations), and released the following message (audio below, transcribed by YWN):See YWN for audio
A physician director for the Cabell-Huntington Health
Department, Dr. Michael Kilkenny, says the case is tragic but the
medical community’s consensus that vaccines are safe and effective
remains unchanged. The Herald-Dispatch reported Sunday that the messages
have appeared this month in Parkersburg, Dunbar and Huntington as part
of a national campaign by the nonprofit Learn The Risk group. More than
30 similar billboards have cropped up in Pennsylvania, New York and
other states.
Flatbushantivaxxer response - not published by YWN
I guess Nick Catone is another one of those "Frum Jewish people" who are making a Chilul Hashem according to Rabbis Hoffman and Glatt by not getting vaccinated. Opps sorry he is not Jewish so I guess it is not a Chilul Hashem for him. Your article is so misleading and so distorting of the facts surrounding the Catone case that I find it revolting. You failed to report that the medical examiner did not test the Catones son for the possibility that the SIDS was caused by his recent vaccination. So the Catones had his tissues sent for private evaluation at their own expense and indeed they had markers consistent with vaccine induced neuro inflamation and other abnormalities that are likely linked to vaccination. You also failed to report that Mrs. Catone is a registered nurse who used to be a member of the pro vaccine religion until her son died and she realized it was from the vaccine.
As has been covered extensively here on YWN, a dangerous new cult threatens the health of our children, our elderly, and our infirm.
These people, with no thought of the risks that they pose to others, foolishly refuse to vaccinate their children against diseases that were thought to longer be a danger. Well, now measles is a danger again, thanks to the reckless, careless, and dangerous actions of a few fools. One child has died so far in Yerushalayim; countless others have been sickened in Monsey, Lakewood, and Boro Park.
As has been reported here on YWN,
there is a hotline claiming to direct and support these dangerous
crazies. This hotline has falsely informed gullible parents that they
are allowed to send their unvaccinated children to school. Not only is
this against the explicit instructions of health officials, but it is
against the wishes of the parent body who do not want their children to
be placed in danger for no reason.
This hotline has advised gullible parents to come join an an anti-Vaxxer meeting, to be held on Monday Nov 5 at 8:00 PM at 17 Highview Rd. We, the outraged victims of this dangerous new cult, should be there, out in force, showing our objections to this dangerous cult, and trying to protect gullible parents from being duped into putting both their children and our children at risk!
Outraged in Monsey
Flatbushantivaxxer responds to RochelS and gets censored/edited by YWN
My actual uncensored comment
Replying to RochelS If indeed you are a real poster and not a fake and you really have a child with an auto immune disease I have to ask why you would send your child to school at all irrespective of the measles. If someone is immuno compromised even the common cold can kill them as we saw last week in New Jersey where 7 immuno compromised children died from Adenovirus. Also I would say to you that there is a real possibility that many cases of auto immune disease are caused by vaccines as per Dr. Yehudah Schoenfeld who wrote a book on the subject. It may be that your child's condition was triggered by a vaccine. Insofar as your description of the vaccine choice movement as a cult, well cults are usually not based on science but beliefs. The entire vaccine public health paradigm is based on beliefs and assumptions that were never tested empirically so by your reasoning it would qualify as a cult. It is interesting to see the bullying being waged against vaccine choice proponents. It seems clear that a lot of the attack comments are from paid shills or bots and not from real people. There is definitely an attempt to create division and hysteria and this has been a tactic of the Pharmaceutical companies the CDC and their cut out non profit organizations in other communities as well. Yeshiva World News with it's biased coverage of this topic obviously must have some financial benefit from their slanted coverage. I would guess that they get advertising revenue from some of the "non profit" health organizations that in turn get vaccine compliance grants from the CDC.
Following the censoring I left this comment:
I have to complement Yeshiva World News for their creativity in substituting the word "editing" in place of the word "censoring". I would like to point out that YWN did not "edit" any of the comments calling anti vaxxers "Rodfim" "Rotzchim" or any of the other threatening, bullying, and insulting, terminology that has become acceptable on this website. I also would like to make a protest for Kavod Hatorah of the Anti Compulsory vaccination Rabbonim that were insulted,vilified,and demeaned, on this website by numerous posters. Finally for all the tough guys and gals threatening lawsuits bring it on but be careful what you wish for. Calling someone a Rodef might be construed as a felony and a very real threat of violence and murder for which you might find yourself on the wrong side of the law.
Below is just a small sampling.
YWN Headline:
MEASLES OUTBREAK UPDATES: Israeli Poskim: Not Vaccinating is ‘MURDER’; HaRav Fuerst Forbids Schools From Taking Children
HaRav Shmuel Fuerst of Agudath Yisrael of Illinois also joined the
growing list of Poskim releasing Piskei Halacha directed towards the
anti-vaxxers, following the measles outbreak which has spread across
many Chareidi communities.MEASLES OUTBREAK UPDATES: Israeli Poskim: Not Vaccinating is ‘MURDER’; HaRav Fuerst Forbids Schools From Taking Children
Rav Fuerst says he did alot of research into the issue (of vaccinations), and released the following message (audio below, transcribed by YWN):See YWN for audio
Anti-Vaccine Billboards Appear In Several States
October 29, 2018 9:00 pm
Anti-vaccine billboards claiming that routine childhood shots are deadly have popped up in several West Virginia cities.
They warn that the son of former Ultimate Fighting Championship
fighter Nick Catone died from a vaccine, though the infant’s death was
officially ruled to be sudden infant death syndrome.Flatbushantivaxxer response - not published by YWN
I guess Nick Catone is another one of those "Frum Jewish people" who are making a Chilul Hashem according to Rabbis Hoffman and Glatt by not getting vaccinated. Opps sorry he is not Jewish so I guess it is not a Chilul Hashem for him. Your article is so misleading and so distorting of the facts surrounding the Catone case that I find it revolting. You failed to report that the medical examiner did not test the Catones son for the possibility that the SIDS was caused by his recent vaccination. So the Catones had his tissues sent for private evaluation at their own expense and indeed they had markers consistent with vaccine induced neuro inflamation and other abnormalities that are likely linked to vaccination. You also failed to report that Mrs. Catone is a registered nurse who used to be a member of the pro vaccine religion until her son died and she realized it was from the vaccine.
MAILBAG: Time to Stand Up to the Anti-Vaxxers
As has been covered extensively here on YWN, a dangerous new cult threatens the health of our children, our elderly, and our infirm.
These people, with no thought of the risks that they pose to others, foolishly refuse to vaccinate their children against diseases that were thought to longer be a danger. Well, now measles is a danger again, thanks to the reckless, careless, and dangerous actions of a few fools. One child has died so far in Yerushalayim; countless others have been sickened in Monsey, Lakewood, and Boro Park.
This hotline has advised gullible parents to come join an an anti-Vaxxer meeting, to be held on Monday Nov 5 at 8:00 PM at 17 Highview Rd. We, the outraged victims of this dangerous new cult, should be there, out in force, showing our objections to this dangerous cult, and trying to protect gullible parents from being duped into putting both their children and our children at risk!
Outraged in Monsey
@Sylvia – Sinas Chinam? This is your issue?
I have a child that has an auto immune disease and can’t get any vaccines right now. The anti-vaaxers are endangering her life. If chas veshaolom something were to happen, I would personally sue every single last one of you, including Doctor Eilenberg, Rabbi Kotler, Rabbi Kaminetzky and his wife and the rest of the cult. Every one of them . My husband and I are petrified every day she leaves to school right now.
And you are worried about SINAS CHINAM?!
I have a child that has an auto immune disease and can’t get any vaccines right now. The anti-vaaxers are endangering her life. If chas veshaolom something were to happen, I would personally sue every single last one of you, including Doctor Eilenberg, Rabbi Kotler, Rabbi Kaminetzky and his wife and the rest of the cult. Every one of them . My husband and I are petrified every day she leaves to school right now.
And you are worried about SINAS CHINAM?!
Flatbushantivaxxer responds to RochelS and gets censored/edited by YWN
Replying to RochelS If indeed you are a real
poster and not a fake and you really have a child with an auto immune
disease I have to ask why you would….
Yeshiva World News with it’s biased coverage of this topic obviously must have some financial benefit from their slanted coverage. I would guess that they get advertising revenue from some of the “non profit” health organizations that in turn get vaccine compliance grants from the CDC.
Moderators Note: YWN was just wired 73 million from the drug companies.
Yeshiva World News with it’s biased coverage of this topic obviously must have some financial benefit from their slanted coverage. I would guess that they get advertising revenue from some of the “non profit” health organizations that in turn get vaccine compliance grants from the CDC.
Moderators Note: YWN was just wired 73 million from the drug companies.
My actual uncensored comment
Replying to RochelS If indeed you are a real poster and not a fake and you really have a child with an auto immune disease I have to ask why you would send your child to school at all irrespective of the measles. If someone is immuno compromised even the common cold can kill them as we saw last week in New Jersey where 7 immuno compromised children died from Adenovirus. Also I would say to you that there is a real possibility that many cases of auto immune disease are caused by vaccines as per Dr. Yehudah Schoenfeld who wrote a book on the subject. It may be that your child's condition was triggered by a vaccine. Insofar as your description of the vaccine choice movement as a cult, well cults are usually not based on science but beliefs. The entire vaccine public health paradigm is based on beliefs and assumptions that were never tested empirically so by your reasoning it would qualify as a cult. It is interesting to see the bullying being waged against vaccine choice proponents. It seems clear that a lot of the attack comments are from paid shills or bots and not from real people. There is definitely an attempt to create division and hysteria and this has been a tactic of the Pharmaceutical companies the CDC and their cut out non profit organizations in other communities as well. Yeshiva World News with it's biased coverage of this topic obviously must have some financial benefit from their slanted coverage. I would guess that they get advertising revenue from some of the "non profit" health organizations that in turn get vaccine compliance grants from the CDC.
Following the censoring I left this comment:
I have to complement Yeshiva World News for their creativity in substituting the word "editing" in place of the word "censoring". I would like to point out that YWN did not "edit" any of the comments calling anti vaxxers "Rodfim" "Rotzchim" or any of the other threatening, bullying, and insulting, terminology that has become acceptable on this website. I also would like to make a protest for Kavod Hatorah of the Anti Compulsory vaccination Rabbonim that were insulted,vilified,and demeaned, on this website by numerous posters. Finally for all the tough guys and gals threatening lawsuits bring it on but be careful what you wish for. Calling someone a Rodef might be construed as a felony and a very real threat of violence and murder for which you might find yourself on the wrong side of the law.
Moderators Response: We allowed just a small portion of your response posted with Kefira to show the outright chutzpah you have for Gedolei Haposkim and the Torah in general. Just last week you were bragging how Rav Chaim Kanievsky said no one can force anti vaxxers to vaccinate. So basically, you pick and choose. When a Gadol backs you, you brag about it. When it’s against you, you call them liars, and say outright kefira about how the Shulchan Aruch was written many years before vaccinations. In fact, why not just come out of the closet and say that the Posuk was written before vaacines as well. Or better yet, that Pesukim were written before the Gemara, so how can the Gemara darshan anything from an old Posuk?
Thanks for showing the world what a Kofer Batorah you are.
Flatbushantivaxxer uncensored response was the following:
The only murder taking place is the murder of the truth by Yeshiva World News. The quote from Shulchan Aruch is referring to someone who is sick and does not seek treatment and thereby endangers his own life. The Shulchan Aruch was written centuries before vaccines were invented.To try to read into the words of Shulchan Aruch that it is referring to vaccines is an outright lie. The Rabbonim who quoted that passage were simply doing so to demonstrate that they believe one should follow “expert” medical advice and indeed “mainstream” medical advice is to vaccinate. They in no way intended to imply that if one does not vaccinate they are a murderer. Obviously these Rabbonim are not aware of the expert “non mainstream” medical advice to not vaccinate, or they would not issue such a recommendation. Rabbonim should not be dragged into a science and public health policy controversy that has nothing to do with Halacha.
My response to being censored - this one was not published by YWN
Unfortunately Yeshiva World News deliberately censored my comment and distorted what I said.They also willfully distorted what the Psak from Eretz Yisroel said and twisted it’s meaning with the misleading headline that “non vaccinating is murder”. That is not what the Psak of those Gedolim says. That is not what the Shulchan Aruch says. Yeshiva World News is guilty not only of falsely calling me a Kofer Batorah but also of Megalah Panim Batorah Shelo Kahalacha. There is absolutely no Halachik justification for equating non vaccination with “murder”.
Original response to Rabbi Feurst Posted recording:
It is inappropriate for Rabbi Feurst to issue such a blanket verbal Psak without citing his sources or the nature of the "research" that he has done to come to such a conclusion. He should commit this Psak to writing with all his sources properly noted, so it can be reviewed and either accepted or rejected on the merits. Every indication from the science is that an unvaccinated child or adult who is not sick or infected is no danger at all. At least insofar as Pertussis we have the Warfel 2014 study which demonstrates that a vaccinated individual is more likely to colonize and spread Whooping cough asymptomatically. In other words the vaccinated child or adult is a potential danger. It is unfortunate that there are ignorant physicians that are misleading rabbis as to the actual risk of communicable disease transmission with or without vaccination. The vaccine injury compensation program which has paid out billions of dollars in damages for death and injury due to vaccines is proof enough that there is a real sakana in vaccinating. The reason there is so much push back against vaccine choice advocates is because vaccine injury is vastly under reported. If the true scope of vaccine injury were revealed it would cost the program trillions of dollars.