Censorship and narrative manipulation in the mainstream media and on the Internet Part 2
As mentioned previously, 90% of the print and broadcast media was already controlled by 6 large corporations by 2011. It must be pointed out that the MSM - Main Stream Media is not interested in objective journalism but rather in selling advertising and making as much money as they can by doing so. Advertising can be done in subtle ways such that you do not even realize that you are being manipulated and sales pitched. For example every year when we are on the cusp of flu season you will start to see articles and broadcasts promoting flu hysteria and particularly promoting the fear of a deadly pandemic flu strain like that of 1918. The entire comparison of 2018 to 1918 is ridiculous on so many levels but I do not wish to dwell on that point right now. The point I wish to make is the subtle sales pitch repeated over and over again year after year to the public to "Get Your Flu Shot" "Especially if you are over 65" and now over the last few years "especially if you are a child or pregnant" What ends up happening is that people start repeating the ear worm "Did you get your flu shot?" Many people will pressure their elderly parents "Did you get Your Flu shot Mom and Dad?" In essence you have been converted into a live advertising bot for the flu shot industry. This is an example of what is called "creating a narrative" that then becomes a reality whether it is true or not. For instance you will see little to no coverage of the low efficacy rates of flu vaccines. You will see little to no coverage of the possibility that flu vaccines may be disrupting the microbiome and immune system in such a way as to make recipients more susceptible to other strains and infections and increasing risk of mortality. You will see little to no coverage of the the suppressed science that has linked Thimerisol preservative, and Aluminum Adjuvants, in Flu vaccines to the exploding epidemic of Alzheimer's disease among the elderly. Instead you are programmed to repeat the mantra "Vaccines are safe and effective". "Did you get your Flu shot"? Add to that the false hysteria over a repeat of the 1918 Pandemic or the latest media and Bill Gates push of "Disease X" and you get the public motivated by fear to "Just Get your Damn Flu shot". Goebbels was an amateur compared to today's propagandist advertisers.