Calling out Yeshiva World News for Censorship

Below is one of several comments I attempted to post on Yeshiva World News web site in response to their hysterical reporting on the Measles outbreak currently occurring in Brooklyn and Rockland County. They have blocked numerous comments including comments where I criticized them for spreading, anti Semitic, stereotypes, of religious Jews from Israel spreading deadly,infectious disease. They have reported on a mild outbreak of Measles as though it were a deadly exotic disease like Ebola, Mombasa, or even the dreaded yet fictitious Andromeda strain. At the same time they have not blocked comments that attack and threaten those opposed to vaccination.

"Yeshiva World News has been shadow banning my comments and not posting them most of the time. Question -  why are pro-vaxxers afraid to debate the science and public policy of mandatory vaccination and social exclusion including school suspension?Why does YWN allow comments like the one from "THE JUDGE" that says "Parents who refuse to vaccinate their infants should have their children taken away from them — for the children’s protection"
Actually I am glad that YWN posts those comments because they expose the sentiments of the pro mandatory/compulsory vaccination community for all to see.
Again I repeat, there has never been a comprehensive, large scale, long term, safety study comparing all health outcomes between a fully unvaccinated population and a vaccinated population, not in one vaccine and certainly not in the myriad of vaccines that have been pushed since the 1986 vaccine injury compensation act which removed product liability from vaccine manufacturers AKA - the Pharmaceutical industry.
Not only is the science not settled, it has never been done.
The refusal to debate demonstrates that the pro vaccine side is afraid of the truth. That YWN continuously bans informed commentary demonstrates that YWN is afraid of the truth.
The epidemic and exponential rise of Neurodevelopmental disorders, autoimmune disorders, and cancer, in our community, and in the greater society is undeniable. We are morally obligated to search for the cause or causes and leave no stone unturned."
