The latest on the world wide drive to tax, penalize, and criminilize, vaccine refusal
The article below is courtesy of the Autism Action Network. This is the latest push of a "Global" campaign to impose vaccine compliance by hook or by crook. There has been a tremendous amount of preconditioning propaganda going on for a number of years now with people like Dorit Reiss calling for parents of unvacccinated children to be held legally liable for spreading disease. You have Jason Schwartz of Yale demonizing anti vaxxers and calling for vaccine refusal fees to be imposed. Australia and Italy have been imposing draconian measures to compel vaccination. You have Senator Richard Pan MD in California attempting to pass laws outlawing anti vaccination speech and writing online, and there is much more. All of these efforts are heartily supported by the mainstream media and the internet monopolies. Even if you make the choice to vaccinate, you should be appalled at the push to destroy personal freedom, autonomy, free speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of expression.We are looking at a moral inversion in that liability for vaccine safety was essentially transferred from the vaccine manufacturers to parents, with the passage of the 1986 vaccine injury compensation act. Now to add insult to injury they want to charge you money for not buying their product.
NY Take Action: Bill to deny tax
exemptions to un-vaccinated dependents
Ryan's bill applies to children
with religious and medical exemptions
New York
State Assemblymember Sean Ryan of Buffalo has authored a bill, A3485, that
would deny the standard New York State income tax deductions for dependents
who are not fully vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule recommended
by the Department of Health. No provision is made for children who have
religious or medical exemptions, who would lose their
standard dependent tax exemption.
standard deduction for a dependent in New York is $1000. Taxpayers who file
itemized deductions do not use the standard deduction and would not be
affected by this law if it passes. Higher-income people usually itemize so
the cost of this bill would be borne disproportionately by lower income
Before you
take action on this issue, if you value the news, information and advocacy
brought to you by the Autism Action Network please make it possible for us to
keep doing so by donating generously to our one fundraiser of the year that
we do in conjunction with the 2018 Autism Community Walk and Resource Fair.
Please click on the link below to support our team for the walk and keep us
please click on the Take Action link to send a message to your legislators
asking them to oppose Ryan's bill.
call Assemblymember Ryan's office in Buffalo and POLITELY let the staffer now
you oppose this bill and would like Mr. Ryan to not reintroduce it when the
legislature returns in January. Assemblymember Sean Ryan (716) 885-9630
This bill
punishes parents for exercising a fundamental human right to make healthcare
decisions for their children. Currently, vaccines mandates in New York only
apply to children who are enrolled in school or school-like programs. This
penalty would apply to all children from birth on, whether they are in school
or not. It even applies to homeschoolers, and adult children who may be in
college, or disabled adults who are still dependents.
other state has a vaguely similar policy. But this idea is consistent with a
global effort by the vaccine industry to push governments to deny benefits to
parents who refuse to follow the state-mandated vaccine schedule. Australia
recently denied a tax break to families that do not follow exactly the state
schedule. So has Israel, and there are similar efforts in several European
nations. Fortunately, the bill has no co-sponsors, and there is no
companion bill in the Senate. But bad ideas have a tendency to linger.
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