Lakewood Vaccine Controversy the bigger picture
Lakewood Vaccine Controversy the bigger picture
Recently a group known as the Lakewood Vaccine Coalition began to organize Orthodox Jewish parents in order to advocate on behalf of parents who are opposed to vaccination. The catalyst for this effort is the recent development whereby Orthodox Jewish parochial schools in Lakewood,New Jersey and elsewhere in the Jewish community have begun instituting expulsion and non acceptance policies for children who are not vaccinated.The schools had previously been accepting vaccine religious exemption opt outs for non-vaccinators as allowed by state law. Despite the fact that vaccine compliance rates in the Orthodox Schools are high and it is only a small percentage of parents who are vaccine refusers, there is an intense effort underway to stamp out this opposition to vaccines.
The efforts to get these school policies enacted appear to be driven by a group of Orthodox Jewish doctors and pediatricians led by Dr Robert Shanik of Lakewood, who have been pressuring schools and summer camps on this issue.
Part of a larger strategy
However it has become apparent that this is actually part of a larger, well funded, well organized, and coordinated strategy spearheaded by the CDC for the purpose of stamping out vaccine noncompliance and undermining the religious exemption laws.The CDC has been allocating substantial funding to non profit social service and health organizations that serve the Orthodox Jewish community with grants earmarked for vaccine compliance programs. Some of the doctors pushing the school expulsion policies are employed or have a financial interest in these organizations.It also seems that part of this money is going to pay for a well scripted, coordinated, public relations messaging strategy. In addition to the schools being lobbied by the doctors to impose non admission policies, Orthodox Rabbinic leaders that are sympathetic to the pro vaccine policies, have been enlisted to publicly excoriate non-vaccinators in the press and online, and give a rabbinic stamp of approval to the notion of expelling unvaccinated kids from school. This, despite the legal right to opt out based on the vaccine religious exemption laws and despite the rulings of some of the most senior Orthodox rabbis in the world that it is not permitted to expel a child from school for not being vaccinated.
Orthodox Jewish Media
Another layer in this plan involves media advertisements from groups of Orthodox Jewish pediatricians and doctors urging compliance with CDC guidance on vaccination and claiming that vaccine safety fears have been "debunked". The public relations campaign includes utilizing media outlets catering to the Orthodox community in print,online and on the radio.It is no coincidence that many of the popular Orthodox Jewish newspapers and news websites simultaneously engaged in pushing narratives that de-legitimized the anti vaccination side and engaged in censorship, and suppression of letters and comments defending the choice to not vaccinate.
Local Health Departments
As part of this multi pronged strategy to undermine religious exemptions, it seems that local and state health departments have been brought in to apply pressure to schools to disallow the religious opt outs. I have heard rumors which I have so far been unable to substantiate with documentation, that there have been all sorts of secret meetings between communal leaders, heads of schools, Rabbis, non profit directors, doctors, and representatives of departments of health, all in an attempt to persuade,pressure, and encourage, the schools, that since they are private parochial schools they are within their rights to not accept religious exemption opt outs.Yeshiva schools in Brooklyn have reportedly been threatened with heavy fines of up to $2000 per child for noncompliance with mandatory vaccine regulations and apparently were deliberately mislead into rejecting religious exemption opt outs out of fear of these fines. In addition there is a rumor that some schools have received money through the CDC vaccine compliance grant program by way of community non profit organizations as an incentive for instituting expulsion policies for non-vaccinators.
Where it all began - Senator Richard Pan and Rabbi Hershy Ten
The roots of this pressure campaign in New York and New Jersey to specifically target the Orthodox Jewish community and get their schools to kick out unvaccinated children, originate in Los Angeles California with State Senator Dr Richard Pan MD and Rabbi Hershy Ten, president of the non profit charity organization, Bikur Cholim of Los Angeles. Senator Pan was the driving force in the California Legislature to get the SB277 law enacted which removed Vaccine Personal and Religious Exemption opt outs for school children in California including for private schools. As part of that effort he recruited backing from a variety of non profit organizations including Bikur Cholim. Others have documented and I have reported on this blog how the CDC deliberately steered funding to these non profits in order to circumvent the laws that prohibit the CDC from lobbying state governments for laws like SB277.The law was passed in July 2016, but will take a few years till it is fully implemented due to grandfathering of opt outs of children already in the system who had received previously legal personal belief or religious exemptions.
Rabbi Ten goes beyond the call of duty
However, supporting Senator Pan and his SB277 was not enough for Rabbi Ten. In January 2017 in L.A., there was a measles outbreak in the Orthodox Jewish Community which affected between one dozen and two dozen people most or all from the same family all of whom recovered fully. As reported in Jewish Home L.A. (link provided here Rabbi Ten convened an emergency meeting of 70 local Jewish day school heads and rabbis together with government officials, doctors, and legal experts. I urge you to read the whole article provided in the link but I want to focus your attention on the closing paragraph especially what I have bolded.
Subsequent to the teleconference, Rabbi Ten issued his statement as follows:
“Los Angeles is blessed to have one of the largest Jewish populations in the country; with synagogues and schools that reflect our community’s steadfast commitment to Torah values. Unquestionably, protecting lives is paramount to these tenets. With this is mind, our synagogue and school leadership must give this life-threatening crisis the serious attention it deserves in terms of tangible action. We need to see our community leadership exhibit the same level of passion and dedication to the health and well-being of our children, families, and neighbors as we see being focused on political action committees, missions to Israel, and scholar in residence events, which are so heavily promoted. We need to see school administrations continue to make the safety of their staff and students a top priority; placing as much importance on this threat as they might toward issues such as social media, inclusiveness, or bar/bat mitzvah policies. That being said, we are urging our schools and synagogues to immediately implement new policies for 2017 that will prevent any children who aren’t immunized due to personal beliefs from attending a school or playgroup. On this issue we must remain resolute in our unwavering dedication to protect the most vulnerable among us from falling prey to an avoidable tragedy.”
As you can see Rabbi Ten wishes to go beyond the letter of the law(SB277) and kick out kids who are still exempted under the law. I would like to point out that no science experts from the other side of the debate were invited or allowed to participate in this meeting and I doubt that any disclosure of funding to the Bikur Cholim organization or conflict of interest engendered by such funding was made to the participants.
Exporting the California model
If only, what happened in California, would stay in California. Unfortunately, Rabbi Ten issued various letters and proclamations like the one in this link from December 2017 You can see from the just the title, the deliberate use of inflammatory language aimed at anti vaxxers with the intent to marginalize and defame them. I urge you to read the full article where you will see that he uses the now shop worn comparison of an unvaccinated child to a child waving a loaded gun in a classroom. This article was spread on Orthodox Jewish websites like Matzav and Yeshiva World and was aimed at the entire Orthodox Jewish Community in the U.S.
Much of the inflammatory rhetoric and scientific disinformation put out by Rabbi Ten can be found echoed in recent articles and soundbites put out by Rabbi Yair Hofffman, Rabbi Asher Bush,and Rabbi Dr Aaron Glatt MD. It looks like they are all reading from the same scripted talking points.
It is a classic example of spreading a false disinformation narrative through a media echo chamber in this case Orthodox Jewish media.
Get the religious communities to voluntarily give up their rights
Most disturbing is the use of federal money from the CDC to sneakily undermine religious freedom,by getting religious leaders themselves to convince their communities to give up their religious rights. As I noted previously Senator Pan MD. and Dr. Paul Offit have teamed up to take their fight against religious exemption laws nationwide. Here is an excellent article about how CDC and Pharmaceutical corporate money is being funneled to non profits around the country in order to do away with religious exemption laws. Hat Tip NVIC - the national vaccine information center .
Creating a false narrative - a healthy child is a bio hazard
I am giving all of this context because it is important to understand that the attack on non-vaccinators in Lakewood and the greater Jewish community is not happening in isolation. It is part of a nationwide, deliberate effort, by the CDC and the pharmaceutical industry to remove any roadblocks or opposition to the vaccine industry business model.The last remaining protection that a parent has to avoid vaccinating their child is the religious exemption.The CDC has succeeded in creating a false narrative to the effect that there is no scientific debate as to the risks and benefits of any vaccines and that anybody who questions the prevailing public policy is either a religious fanatic, or a lunatic with severe psychiatric disorders.
The rabbis,doctors,schools and camps, who have gone along with this sentiment have been framing the issue as one of pikuach nefesh - saving a life which in Jewish law overrides all other concerns. By classifying an unvaccinated child as a "danger" to other children or teachers in a school, they can then invoke pikuach nefesh as justification for expelling the child from school. This supposition of "danger" is not based on any scientific evidence.In fact as I have pointed out elsewhere on this blog it is just the opposite. Of course if you are reading this blog you probably already know that there is significant scientific evidence to argue against the current public health mass vaccination paradigm and that it is likely causing more harm than it prevents. The false notion that "there is no scientific debate" about the "greatness" or "safety" of vaccines is an important linchpin of the De-legitimization strategy. Once you end the debate by declaring "settled science" "no debate", it becomes easy to marginalize anyone who disagrees. When you invoke the the CDC as the final arbiter on this issue and disqualify anybody else from having a valid opinion you open the opposition up to ridicule and derision. Any scientific questions are referred to as "Debunked" rather than disproved.
Sic the mob on the non vaccinators
It is this conditioning of the public discourse that is so evident online when you look at the comments against anti vaxxers. You will often see many negative anonymous comments calling the anti vaxxers "dangerous" "crazy" "lunatics" "not caring about others""Anti Science" and so on. My suspicion is that many of the negative comments are not from real people but are from either bots or troll farms paid for by pharmaceutical industry money. Some of the comments are real though and it shows how deeply the psychological programming and conditioning to accept the mandatory vaccine paradigm has penetrated. In effect regular citizens have become unpaid advocates and enforcers on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry.
Who is changing the status quo?
The narrative has been tweaked to make it appear as though the anti vaxxers are asking for something new when in reality it is the pro vaxxers who are trying to change the status quo. What was once a legally guaranteed right has now been outlawed in California,with all the rest of the country to come next. State legislatures are under withering assault from pharmaceutical industry lobbyists and the fake non profits they have created, to gut the religious exemption laws around the country. It is truly outrageous, and unjust that the tiny percentage of people who are opposed to vaccination and who previously were able to freely use the religious exemption to protect their rights, are now being vilified, marginalized, and painted as crazy, anti science lunatics.For the record though I will say that the opposition to vaccination is based on solid scientific evidence. Rather than argue the science on its merits the pro vaccine camp has opted to create a public relations campaign depicting an unvaccinated child as a "danger" and to promote new legislation and regulation based on this reprehensible propagandistic concoction.
Its bigger than vaccines
The vaccine rights issue is at the nexus of numerous important issues facing us today.The erosion of freedom of speech and religion, and the rights of parents to decide what is in the best interests of their child are the first three issues that come to mind. Senator Richard Pan represents the far left wing of the democrat party. In addition to SB277 which he has already passed to remove religious freedom, he is trying to pass SB18 and SB1424. SB18 sanctions a so called "child's bill of rights" which really means the state gets to decide if you are taking care of your children properly or not. For example if your minor child wants to have gender reassignment surgery and you don't agree, the state could step in and bypass the parents.In addition it encroaches on 4th Amendment protections against illegal search and seizure by allowing for home inspections particularly in cases of home schooling. SB1424 is designed to kill free speech by regulating what you say on the internet like on this blog for example. Rather than repeat everything here I urge you to look up these Orwellian bills and see for yourself.
Here is a an excellent article by Jon Rappaport from 2016 on SB18 when it was first being pushed in tandem with SB277.
Here is a link to another excellent article Hat tip - Age of Autism
The case against SB18
And finally this article
The fish stinks from the head - the United Nations
As you can see from the Bolen Report the roots of the "Child Bill of Rights" go back to
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child treaty signed by Bill Clinton in 1995.
The Non Profit groups that are backing Pan in his social engineering efforts tend to be aligned with the far left which itself is aligned with militant atheism. Dr Paul Offit is an openly admitted atheist and in my opinion is from the militant atheist variety that wants to take away your religious rights rather than live and let live. Congress never approved this child bill of rights treaty but it has still manged to filter its way down to the Peninsula Partnership Leadership Council which is pushing it in SB18. The PPLC is composed of the San Mateo County Superintendent of Schools, the County Board of Supervisors and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. The Silicon Valley Community Foundation is as noted by Jon Rappaport "a non-profit that has assets of $7.3 BILLION. It runs 1800 philanthropic funds. Here are some of its corporate partners:
Alexza Pharmaceuticals. Microsoft. Pepsico Foundation. Cisco. Hewlett Packard. Dell. Symantec. Unilever. Plus something called the SV2 Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund, “building and scaling social inventions.”
Internet and media censorship - "Big Tech "pushes things to the Left
In reality the censorship of free speech is already here even before SB1424 and similar bills are codified into law. The google search algorithms put pro vaccine news stories,websites, and you tube videos in the top spots and suppress anti vaccine speech. It is not just vaccines, but anything to do with libertarianism, conservative values,alternative medicine and the like is being demonetized, deplatformed, kicked off and suppressed across all major social media platforms. The same is happening on Orthodox Jewish news websites. Try leaving a comment that is anti vaccine and more than likely it will not be published. As is well known all of the major internet monopolies are heavily dominated by extreme left wing ideology and have been caught openly discriminating against anything on the right. Think Shadow Banning by Twitter,Banishing by Facebook, and permanent exile from Youtube/Google. It is similar to what the IRS was doing against conservative groups seeking tax exempt status when Barack Obama and Lois Lerner were "allegedly" using the IRS to stifle religion and free speech.
Marijuana,Abortion and Gender choice good, Vaccination and school choice bad
When you take a step back and look at the whole landscape, you will notice that there is a push from the Left for legalizing Marijuana all over the country. The argument for legalization is framed as one of choice and freedom. The same thing is true when it comes to the Abortion Rights issue - the mother should have complete autonomy over her body- and for children to decide their gender identity. However you will find that the Leftists pushing for the freedom to take controlled substances and kill unborn children, and force us to accept boys as girls and girls as boys have no such sentiments when it comes to extending the same courtesy of choice to parents of live children when it comes to vaccination and school choice. It is total hypocrisy.
Rabbis against religion???
It is astonishing that any Orthodox Jewish Rabbi would want to ally themselves with these left wing, atheist groups and their agendas. I would suggest that they are making a very very big mistake because of their having been duped by pro vaccine propaganda. In the mistaken belief that they are doing a mitzvah of Pikuach Nefesh, they have inadvertently joined hands with the most diabolical and evil forces in the world today. Contrary to what Rabbi Dr. Glatt wrote that Anti Vaccination is an ideology akin to Idol worship, It is really the false belief in fake science that has been elevated to something that looks like Idol worship.
It is about Freedom
I have tried to demonstrate that the vaccine choice and religious exemption issues do not stand in isolation. They are completely intertwined with many other important issues facing the Orthodox Jewish community and the non Jewish Community. At the heart of the matter, this is about personal freedom and liberty. These two cherished concepts are under attack on every front. The real Pikuach Nefesh issue is that of being fooled into voluntarily giving up your freedom. Elevating "consensus" science to the point that it is being used as a cudgel to beat people into submission, and kick them and their children out of schools, is tyranny. Consensus science has been wrong before, most notably with the Eugenics movement which as author Edwin Black has pointed out, led directly to the Holocaust. As Rudolf Hess used to say, National Socialism is nothing but applied biology. Lets not allow mad scientists to have their way with humanity ever again.
Recently a group known as the Lakewood Vaccine Coalition began to organize Orthodox Jewish parents in order to advocate on behalf of parents who are opposed to vaccination. The catalyst for this effort is the recent development whereby Orthodox Jewish parochial schools in Lakewood,New Jersey and elsewhere in the Jewish community have begun instituting expulsion and non acceptance policies for children who are not vaccinated.The schools had previously been accepting vaccine religious exemption opt outs for non-vaccinators as allowed by state law. Despite the fact that vaccine compliance rates in the Orthodox Schools are high and it is only a small percentage of parents who are vaccine refusers, there is an intense effort underway to stamp out this opposition to vaccines.
The efforts to get these school policies enacted appear to be driven by a group of Orthodox Jewish doctors and pediatricians led by Dr Robert Shanik of Lakewood, who have been pressuring schools and summer camps on this issue.
Part of a larger strategy
However it has become apparent that this is actually part of a larger, well funded, well organized, and coordinated strategy spearheaded by the CDC for the purpose of stamping out vaccine noncompliance and undermining the religious exemption laws.The CDC has been allocating substantial funding to non profit social service and health organizations that serve the Orthodox Jewish community with grants earmarked for vaccine compliance programs. Some of the doctors pushing the school expulsion policies are employed or have a financial interest in these organizations.It also seems that part of this money is going to pay for a well scripted, coordinated, public relations messaging strategy. In addition to the schools being lobbied by the doctors to impose non admission policies, Orthodox Rabbinic leaders that are sympathetic to the pro vaccine policies, have been enlisted to publicly excoriate non-vaccinators in the press and online, and give a rabbinic stamp of approval to the notion of expelling unvaccinated kids from school. This, despite the legal right to opt out based on the vaccine religious exemption laws and despite the rulings of some of the most senior Orthodox rabbis in the world that it is not permitted to expel a child from school for not being vaccinated.
Orthodox Jewish Media
Another layer in this plan involves media advertisements from groups of Orthodox Jewish pediatricians and doctors urging compliance with CDC guidance on vaccination and claiming that vaccine safety fears have been "debunked". The public relations campaign includes utilizing media outlets catering to the Orthodox community in print,online and on the radio.It is no coincidence that many of the popular Orthodox Jewish newspapers and news websites simultaneously engaged in pushing narratives that de-legitimized the anti vaccination side and engaged in censorship, and suppression of letters and comments defending the choice to not vaccinate.
Local Health Departments
As part of this multi pronged strategy to undermine religious exemptions, it seems that local and state health departments have been brought in to apply pressure to schools to disallow the religious opt outs. I have heard rumors which I have so far been unable to substantiate with documentation, that there have been all sorts of secret meetings between communal leaders, heads of schools, Rabbis, non profit directors, doctors, and representatives of departments of health, all in an attempt to persuade,pressure, and encourage, the schools, that since they are private parochial schools they are within their rights to not accept religious exemption opt outs.Yeshiva schools in Brooklyn have reportedly been threatened with heavy fines of up to $2000 per child for noncompliance with mandatory vaccine regulations and apparently were deliberately mislead into rejecting religious exemption opt outs out of fear of these fines. In addition there is a rumor that some schools have received money through the CDC vaccine compliance grant program by way of community non profit organizations as an incentive for instituting expulsion policies for non-vaccinators.
Where it all began - Senator Richard Pan and Rabbi Hershy Ten
The roots of this pressure campaign in New York and New Jersey to specifically target the Orthodox Jewish community and get their schools to kick out unvaccinated children, originate in Los Angeles California with State Senator Dr Richard Pan MD and Rabbi Hershy Ten, president of the non profit charity organization, Bikur Cholim of Los Angeles. Senator Pan was the driving force in the California Legislature to get the SB277 law enacted which removed Vaccine Personal and Religious Exemption opt outs for school children in California including for private schools. As part of that effort he recruited backing from a variety of non profit organizations including Bikur Cholim. Others have documented and I have reported on this blog how the CDC deliberately steered funding to these non profits in order to circumvent the laws that prohibit the CDC from lobbying state governments for laws like SB277.The law was passed in July 2016, but will take a few years till it is fully implemented due to grandfathering of opt outs of children already in the system who had received previously legal personal belief or religious exemptions.
Rabbi Ten goes beyond the call of duty
However, supporting Senator Pan and his SB277 was not enough for Rabbi Ten. In January 2017 in L.A., there was a measles outbreak in the Orthodox Jewish Community which affected between one dozen and two dozen people most or all from the same family all of whom recovered fully. As reported in Jewish Home L.A. (link provided here Rabbi Ten convened an emergency meeting of 70 local Jewish day school heads and rabbis together with government officials, doctors, and legal experts. I urge you to read the whole article provided in the link but I want to focus your attention on the closing paragraph especially what I have bolded.
Subsequent to the teleconference, Rabbi Ten issued his statement as follows:
“Los Angeles is blessed to have one of the largest Jewish populations in the country; with synagogues and schools that reflect our community’s steadfast commitment to Torah values. Unquestionably, protecting lives is paramount to these tenets. With this is mind, our synagogue and school leadership must give this life-threatening crisis the serious attention it deserves in terms of tangible action. We need to see our community leadership exhibit the same level of passion and dedication to the health and well-being of our children, families, and neighbors as we see being focused on political action committees, missions to Israel, and scholar in residence events, which are so heavily promoted. We need to see school administrations continue to make the safety of their staff and students a top priority; placing as much importance on this threat as they might toward issues such as social media, inclusiveness, or bar/bat mitzvah policies. That being said, we are urging our schools and synagogues to immediately implement new policies for 2017 that will prevent any children who aren’t immunized due to personal beliefs from attending a school or playgroup. On this issue we must remain resolute in our unwavering dedication to protect the most vulnerable among us from falling prey to an avoidable tragedy.”
As you can see Rabbi Ten wishes to go beyond the letter of the law(SB277) and kick out kids who are still exempted under the law. I would like to point out that no science experts from the other side of the debate were invited or allowed to participate in this meeting and I doubt that any disclosure of funding to the Bikur Cholim organization or conflict of interest engendered by such funding was made to the participants.
Exporting the California model
If only, what happened in California, would stay in California. Unfortunately, Rabbi Ten issued various letters and proclamations like the one in this link from December 2017 You can see from the just the title, the deliberate use of inflammatory language aimed at anti vaxxers with the intent to marginalize and defame them. I urge you to read the full article where you will see that he uses the now shop worn comparison of an unvaccinated child to a child waving a loaded gun in a classroom. This article was spread on Orthodox Jewish websites like Matzav and Yeshiva World and was aimed at the entire Orthodox Jewish Community in the U.S.
Much of the inflammatory rhetoric and scientific disinformation put out by Rabbi Ten can be found echoed in recent articles and soundbites put out by Rabbi Yair Hofffman, Rabbi Asher Bush,and Rabbi Dr Aaron Glatt MD. It looks like they are all reading from the same scripted talking points.
It is a classic example of spreading a false disinformation narrative through a media echo chamber in this case Orthodox Jewish media.
Get the religious communities to voluntarily give up their rights
Most disturbing is the use of federal money from the CDC to sneakily undermine religious freedom,by getting religious leaders themselves to convince their communities to give up their religious rights. As I noted previously Senator Pan MD. and Dr. Paul Offit have teamed up to take their fight against religious exemption laws nationwide. Here is an excellent article about how CDC and Pharmaceutical corporate money is being funneled to non profits around the country in order to do away with religious exemption laws. Hat Tip NVIC - the national vaccine information center .
Creating a false narrative - a healthy child is a bio hazard
I am giving all of this context because it is important to understand that the attack on non-vaccinators in Lakewood and the greater Jewish community is not happening in isolation. It is part of a nationwide, deliberate effort, by the CDC and the pharmaceutical industry to remove any roadblocks or opposition to the vaccine industry business model.The last remaining protection that a parent has to avoid vaccinating their child is the religious exemption.The CDC has succeeded in creating a false narrative to the effect that there is no scientific debate as to the risks and benefits of any vaccines and that anybody who questions the prevailing public policy is either a religious fanatic, or a lunatic with severe psychiatric disorders.
The rabbis,doctors,schools and camps, who have gone along with this sentiment have been framing the issue as one of pikuach nefesh - saving a life which in Jewish law overrides all other concerns. By classifying an unvaccinated child as a "danger" to other children or teachers in a school, they can then invoke pikuach nefesh as justification for expelling the child from school. This supposition of "danger" is not based on any scientific evidence.In fact as I have pointed out elsewhere on this blog it is just the opposite. Of course if you are reading this blog you probably already know that there is significant scientific evidence to argue against the current public health mass vaccination paradigm and that it is likely causing more harm than it prevents. The false notion that "there is no scientific debate" about the "greatness" or "safety" of vaccines is an important linchpin of the De-legitimization strategy. Once you end the debate by declaring "settled science" "no debate", it becomes easy to marginalize anyone who disagrees. When you invoke the the CDC as the final arbiter on this issue and disqualify anybody else from having a valid opinion you open the opposition up to ridicule and derision. Any scientific questions are referred to as "Debunked" rather than disproved.
Sic the mob on the non vaccinators
It is this conditioning of the public discourse that is so evident online when you look at the comments against anti vaxxers. You will often see many negative anonymous comments calling the anti vaxxers "dangerous" "crazy" "lunatics" "not caring about others""Anti Science" and so on. My suspicion is that many of the negative comments are not from real people but are from either bots or troll farms paid for by pharmaceutical industry money. Some of the comments are real though and it shows how deeply the psychological programming and conditioning to accept the mandatory vaccine paradigm has penetrated. In effect regular citizens have become unpaid advocates and enforcers on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry.
Who is changing the status quo?
The narrative has been tweaked to make it appear as though the anti vaxxers are asking for something new when in reality it is the pro vaxxers who are trying to change the status quo. What was once a legally guaranteed right has now been outlawed in California,with all the rest of the country to come next. State legislatures are under withering assault from pharmaceutical industry lobbyists and the fake non profits they have created, to gut the religious exemption laws around the country. It is truly outrageous, and unjust that the tiny percentage of people who are opposed to vaccination and who previously were able to freely use the religious exemption to protect their rights, are now being vilified, marginalized, and painted as crazy, anti science lunatics.For the record though I will say that the opposition to vaccination is based on solid scientific evidence. Rather than argue the science on its merits the pro vaccine camp has opted to create a public relations campaign depicting an unvaccinated child as a "danger" and to promote new legislation and regulation based on this reprehensible propagandistic concoction.
Its bigger than vaccines
The vaccine rights issue is at the nexus of numerous important issues facing us today.The erosion of freedom of speech and religion, and the rights of parents to decide what is in the best interests of their child are the first three issues that come to mind. Senator Richard Pan represents the far left wing of the democrat party. In addition to SB277 which he has already passed to remove religious freedom, he is trying to pass SB18 and SB1424. SB18 sanctions a so called "child's bill of rights" which really means the state gets to decide if you are taking care of your children properly or not. For example if your minor child wants to have gender reassignment surgery and you don't agree, the state could step in and bypass the parents.In addition it encroaches on 4th Amendment protections against illegal search and seizure by allowing for home inspections particularly in cases of home schooling. SB1424 is designed to kill free speech by regulating what you say on the internet like on this blog for example. Rather than repeat everything here I urge you to look up these Orwellian bills and see for yourself.
Here is a an excellent article by Jon Rappaport from 2016 on SB18 when it was first being pushed in tandem with SB277.
Here is a link to another excellent article Hat tip - Age of Autism
The case against SB18
And finally this article
The fish stinks from the head - the United Nations
As you can see from the Bolen Report the roots of the "Child Bill of Rights" go back to
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child treaty signed by Bill Clinton in 1995.
The Non Profit groups that are backing Pan in his social engineering efforts tend to be aligned with the far left which itself is aligned with militant atheism. Dr Paul Offit is an openly admitted atheist and in my opinion is from the militant atheist variety that wants to take away your religious rights rather than live and let live. Congress never approved this child bill of rights treaty but it has still manged to filter its way down to the Peninsula Partnership Leadership Council which is pushing it in SB18. The PPLC is composed of the San Mateo County Superintendent of Schools, the County Board of Supervisors and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. The Silicon Valley Community Foundation is as noted by Jon Rappaport "a non-profit that has assets of $7.3 BILLION. It runs 1800 philanthropic funds. Here are some of its corporate partners:
Alexza Pharmaceuticals. Microsoft. Pepsico Foundation. Cisco. Hewlett Packard. Dell. Symantec. Unilever. Plus something called the SV2 Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund, “building and scaling social inventions.”
Internet and media censorship - "Big Tech "pushes things to the Left
In reality the censorship of free speech is already here even before SB1424 and similar bills are codified into law. The google search algorithms put pro vaccine news stories,websites, and you tube videos in the top spots and suppress anti vaccine speech. It is not just vaccines, but anything to do with libertarianism, conservative values,alternative medicine and the like is being demonetized, deplatformed, kicked off and suppressed across all major social media platforms. The same is happening on Orthodox Jewish news websites. Try leaving a comment that is anti vaccine and more than likely it will not be published. As is well known all of the major internet monopolies are heavily dominated by extreme left wing ideology and have been caught openly discriminating against anything on the right. Think Shadow Banning by Twitter,Banishing by Facebook, and permanent exile from Youtube/Google. It is similar to what the IRS was doing against conservative groups seeking tax exempt status when Barack Obama and Lois Lerner were "allegedly" using the IRS to stifle religion and free speech.
Marijuana,Abortion and Gender choice good, Vaccination and school choice bad
When you take a step back and look at the whole landscape, you will notice that there is a push from the Left for legalizing Marijuana all over the country. The argument for legalization is framed as one of choice and freedom. The same thing is true when it comes to the Abortion Rights issue - the mother should have complete autonomy over her body- and for children to decide their gender identity. However you will find that the Leftists pushing for the freedom to take controlled substances and kill unborn children, and force us to accept boys as girls and girls as boys have no such sentiments when it comes to extending the same courtesy of choice to parents of live children when it comes to vaccination and school choice. It is total hypocrisy.
Rabbis against religion???
It is astonishing that any Orthodox Jewish Rabbi would want to ally themselves with these left wing, atheist groups and their agendas. I would suggest that they are making a very very big mistake because of their having been duped by pro vaccine propaganda. In the mistaken belief that they are doing a mitzvah of Pikuach Nefesh, they have inadvertently joined hands with the most diabolical and evil forces in the world today. Contrary to what Rabbi Dr. Glatt wrote that Anti Vaccination is an ideology akin to Idol worship, It is really the false belief in fake science that has been elevated to something that looks like Idol worship.
It is about Freedom
I have tried to demonstrate that the vaccine choice and religious exemption issues do not stand in isolation. They are completely intertwined with many other important issues facing the Orthodox Jewish community and the non Jewish Community. At the heart of the matter, this is about personal freedom and liberty. These two cherished concepts are under attack on every front. The real Pikuach Nefesh issue is that of being fooled into voluntarily giving up your freedom. Elevating "consensus" science to the point that it is being used as a cudgel to beat people into submission, and kick them and their children out of schools, is tyranny. Consensus science has been wrong before, most notably with the Eugenics movement which as author Edwin Black has pointed out, led directly to the Holocaust. As Rudolf Hess used to say, National Socialism is nothing but applied biology. Lets not allow mad scientists to have their way with humanity ever again.