Why the war on vaccine religious exemptions?
Why the war on vaccine religious exemptions?
As you may be aware there is an ongoing nationwide campaign to pressure state legislatures to remove the vaccine religious exemption for school children thereby presenting their parents with the choice of vaccinate or don't send your child to school. This effort is being funded by the CDC and the Pharmaceutical industry through the use of third party nonprofits or cut outs as I prefer to call them.
The question is why? We have a nationwide vaccination compliance rate of somewhere between 98% and 99% for school children, well above what is required for the mythical/theoretical "herd immunity", so why the hysterical push to eliminate a few pockets of resistance?
I would venture to guess that this is in response to the calls from anti vaxxers for a real scientific long term prospective study comparing all health outcomes and mortality between fully unvaccinated populations and partially and fully vaccinated populations. It is getting harder and harder to find fully unvaccinated people to conduct such a study. By wiping out any populations of non vaccinators through coercive legislation it will become impossible to do such a study thereby effectively covering the tracks of all the damage that has been done by the vaccines once and for all.
As you may be aware there is an ongoing nationwide campaign to pressure state legislatures to remove the vaccine religious exemption for school children thereby presenting their parents with the choice of vaccinate or don't send your child to school. This effort is being funded by the CDC and the Pharmaceutical industry through the use of third party nonprofits or cut outs as I prefer to call them.
The question is why? We have a nationwide vaccination compliance rate of somewhere between 98% and 99% for school children, well above what is required for the mythical/theoretical "herd immunity", so why the hysterical push to eliminate a few pockets of resistance?
I would venture to guess that this is in response to the calls from anti vaxxers for a real scientific long term prospective study comparing all health outcomes and mortality between fully unvaccinated populations and partially and fully vaccinated populations. It is getting harder and harder to find fully unvaccinated people to conduct such a study. By wiping out any populations of non vaccinators through coercive legislation it will become impossible to do such a study thereby effectively covering the tracks of all the damage that has been done by the vaccines once and for all.