The Burbacher 2005 study

Below I have supplied the link to the Burbacher 2005 study which demonstrates that the ethyl mercury from Thimerisol is deposited in the brain and not as Dr Paul Offit claims, excreted from the body. When Robert Kennedy Jr confronted Dr. Offit with this study, Dr Offit quickly got off the phone. Robert Kennedy Jr has publicly called Dr Offit a liar for claiming that Thimerisol in vaccines is safe. Thimerisol is still included in various vaccines including Tetanus and multi dose vial flu vaccines given to pregnant women. The CDC began pushing flu vaccines for pregnant women in 2003 after they had phased out Thimerisol from the standard childhood vaccines. The allegation has been made that this was done to cover up the Vaccine Autism link. Some Anti Vaccine activists had been claiming that Thimerisol was to blame for the Autism epidemic. By phasing it out from childhood vaccines while still injecting pregnant women with it via flu vaccines, they could claim that "see we took it out of the childhood schedule and there is still Autism". Meanwhile the child was now getting the Thimerisol /Mercury in utero. Conspiracy theory? No greater than the "Russin Collusion" conspiracy theory, and actually more plausible.
