Medical Tyranny and Fake Science in Lakewood New Jersey

Below is a a blog post from Dr Richard Roberts and my response. Dr Roberts is an Ivy league trained MD,a highly successful pharmaceutical company owner, and a generous philanthropist. I am posting it here because the blog where he posted appears to be censoring critical comments. The background for this is a free carnival for children being sponsored by Dr Roberts to celebrate Passover. In the advertisement for the carnival Dr Roberts includes a line that says "Please do not endanger others by bringing someone who is not immunized."

The context behind this is the ongoing efforts and targeting of Orthodox Jewish Non Vaccinators in the Lakewood New Jersey and greater tri state Jewish Community by the CDC and Dr Paul Offit. The CDC has been pouring millions of dollars into nonprofit social service and health care organizations that serve the Orthodox Jewish community for the purpose of "Vaccine Compliance". There is an obvious strategy being played out to undermine the vaccine religious exemption laws. The most egregious part of this strategy is getting the Jewish Parochial schools to expel unvaccinated students.  Part of this effort involves fake science such as the notion that an unvaccinated child is a biohazard and is dangerous. After inventing this nonexistent danger and scaring people with it, the next step is to get rabbis to issue halachik rulings sanctioning the expulsion of unvaccinated school children based on the Jewish teachings of the importance of protecting life, and health. As you can imagine a legal ruling based on fake science is itself fake. Fortunately we have a few senior rabbis who have had the guts to stand up to this onslaught despite the barrage of invective and insult being hurled against them.

Rather than bullying parents who do not want to vaccinate their children, the doctor activists who are pushing the vaccines should agree to hold a public debate to defend their position based on the scientific literature. Dr Paul Offit has been challenged publicly by leading anti vaccine scientists,doctors and activists to just such a debate.Why does he steadfastly refuse? What is he afraid of? Since he is afraid of defending his position perhaps Dr Roberts, Rabbi Dr Aron Glatt, Dr Robert Shanik, or some of the other Lakewood Doctors would like to have an open and honest debate with someone like Dr James Lyons Weiler,Robert Kennedy JR., Dr Suzanne Humphries, Del Bigtree,or even that scary man Dr Andrew Wakefield.I am willing to try and facilitate such a public debate. Let me know.

Richard H. Roberts, M.D., Ph.D.
When I met President G. W. Bush at an event in D.C., a photo was taken of us. The photographer said that he had to retake the photo because I blinked.I told President Bush that just as FDR and Truman beat the Nazi and Imperial Japanese regimes, and President Reagan beat Soviet communism, he would beat radical Islam. President Bush looked straight into my eyes and said “And I won’t blink”
Regarding this issue of risking the maiming or killing of babies, the elderly, and the infirm in our community, I won’t blink. You’ll see.

Dr. Roberts, your comparison of anti vaxxers and non vaxxers to the Nazis, Imperial Japanese, Soviets and Radical Islam is so way over the top that it can only be out done by your comparing yourself to President Bush. I can live with you having an inflated view of yourself. However the implied threat and menace in your last sentence where you use with dramatic flourish the words “I won’t blink You’ll See” is unacceptable. That sounds like it is going way beyond dis-inviting people to your private party. It actually sounds like something a gangster would say. You should also be reminded that President Bush may not have blinked, but he also was not successful at beating radical Islam which is still a very real threat today. It is so appropriate that this debate is rearing its head at Passover time. The plainest, simplest, and most important message of Passover is the importance of valuing, appreciating, and thanking God for our Freedom. The strong arm tactics that are being employed against the unvaccinated by kicking them out of school, marginalizing them socially, firing them from their jobs, belittling their spiritual leaders, and taking away their free speech, are a stark reminder of how easy it is for tyranny to squash freedom.



Ita said…
Purim 5779 came & went... disconnected understanding of the timeless lessons...vaccine worship is many times more diabolically devious than the secret hamanic goals of inviting the Jews to the party & compelling them to bow to Haman which all the Sanhedrin fell for except Mordechai haTzaddik - unanimously attacked & disparaged for instigating haman’s decree against the Jews - Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky shlitah made a poignant request of all Jews at the Agudah convention 3-4 years ago to reject vaccination...the Mordechai of the present...