Lakewood Resource and Referral Center guilty of false advertising

Last Tuesday evening March 13 2018 a public conference call was organized by the Lakewood Resource and Referral Center.The poster for the event was titled "Vaccines are dangerous fact or fiction  join the conversation". I listened to the presentation from Dr Paul Offit. It was falsely advertised as a "conversation". It was just Dr. Paul Offit giving his signature style used car salesman shtik to promote vaccines. The Public was invited to pre submit questions for Dr Offit via email.
I sent in two questions prior to the conference call and naturally they were not addressed.
These are the two questions.
Question 1.
Robert Kennedy Jr. has publicly called you Dr Offit, a liar for claiming that Thimerisol/Mercury in vaccines is safe despite the Burbacher 2005 study that shows it gets deposited in the brain. What is your response?
Question 2.
 Dr.Suzanne Humphries, Del Bigtree, Dr Andrew Wakefield and other prominent anti vaccine scientists and activists have publicly challenged you to a public debate on vaccine safety. Why are you afraid to debate them or why have you refused to debate them?

Offit tried to blow off the concerns about Thimerisol by ignoring the Burbacher study and claiming that we are all ingesting mercury in one form or another. It is precisely this point on which Robert Kennedy Jr. has called him out. The SCIENCE has shown that there is a big difference between INGESTING trace amounts of environmental mercury and INJECTING Thimerisol/Mercury containing vaccines into Children,Adults and Pregnant Women. The Mercury that you eat mostly gets excreted and is less likely to pass the blood brain barrier. The Mercury that you inject ends up in your brain. Same thing with the various Aluminum Adjuvants used in the vaccines. In fact the SCIENCE indicates that the INJECTED ETHYL MERCURY in THIMERISOL is better able to penetrate the blood brain barrier due to its smaller molecular size Than Methyl Mercury which is typically found in foods like tuna fish. BOTH MERCURY and ALUMINUM are NEUROTOXIC and together work SYNERGISTICALLY to be EVEN MORE NEUROTOXIC.
