Yeshivas and summer camps instituting compulsory vaccination admission policies 1/11/2018

There are various accounts circulating of New York yeshiva boy schools, yeshiva girl schools, and tristate  summer camps instituting newly restrictive admission policies and even expulsions of unvaccinated children. This is being done despite the parents of these children claiming exemption from mandated vaccines under the Religious Exemption granted to them by New York State Law. The Yeshivas are claiming that the unvaccinated children pose a danger to other vaccinated children and to teachers and therefore they have a right to exclude them.
There are rumors to the effect that the reason for this new push is that some of these schools may have been the beneficiaries of Federal grant money from the Centers for Disease Control intended to promote vaccine compliance. The rumors further imply that the conduits for these funds are the Agudah and the OU. I would appreciate any information on these matters.
For the record I wish to debunk the notion that an unvaccinated individual is a danger to a vaccinated individual. The Science proves just the opposite.  See this link  which is an important study published in 2014 by Jason Warfel titled "Acellular pertusis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model".In a nutshell this experiment proved that the vaccinated primates were still able to transmit Bordetella Pertussis to other primates because they were still able to culture the bacteria despite not getting ill due to vaccine induced antibodies. This was in contrast to the primates in the study that were infected with Pertussis thereby becoming immunized with a superior immune response that prevented colonization. What this means in the real world is that your vaccinated kid or adult, can be spreading Pertussis all over town without having any symptoms. The unvaccinated individual however, will become ill with a cough and will stay home until they recuperate and than will no longer be capable of colonizing the germ and spreading it.
