Below is a link to a short article from the NIH on preventing and treating Flu like illness and Influenza with Vitamin D. Yes you can prevent Flu with daily vitamin D supplementation and you can treat flu with quick resolution with mega dose vitamin D administration. Note in the article how Neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) such as Tamiflu, have serious side effects like vomiting,diarrhea, and hallucinations, and how they do not work very well if at all. There has been a great deal of hysteria generated by the fake news media over the last several weeks and this has filtered into social media as well. You have read and heard about how terrible this flu season is, how children are dying, and young healthy adults are dropping dead like flies all over the place. This of course is all carefully crafted false propaganda designed to instill fear so that everyone will compliantly go and get their ineffective flu shots in order to help support the vaccine manufacturers AKA Big Pharma. When you go into Wallgreens, CVS, or Rite Aid to get your flu shot, naturally you will likely be enticed to buy something else as well so you are also helping their bottom line. In the mean time no one is reporting on this long know method of effectively preventing and treating the flu with the very cheap method of vitamin D.
We should also note that at least some of the cases of flu deaths reportedly involved Sepsis and may have been misdiagnosed as flu to begin with. Everyone should be aware of the Marik Protocol, Link provided below. This is a cocktail combination of Vitamin C,Thiamine,and Hydrocortisone that Dr Marik has been using and advocating for the successful treatment of sepsis. Actually prior to his use of this particular protocol, there were others who used mega dose intravenous vitamin C to treat sepsis and many other conditions with great success. It seems though, that other MDs are slow to adapt this lifesaving treatment. If you know of someone who is suffering from sepsis,flesh eating bacteria, also known as necrotizing facciitis,MRSA,or the like, make sure their doctors are treating them at the very least with the Marik Protocol, and if they refuse they should be threatened with a malpractice lawsuit.