The Flu hoax exposed by Del Bigtree on Highwire

 Below is the link to the most recent broadcast by Del Bigtree from today 1/18/2018. In the beginning of the broadcast he plays clips of  a bunch of empty emergency rooms in California and empty outdoor triage tents set up by hospitals to treat a supposed avalanche of patients descending en masse to overwhelmed hospitals.The mainstream fake news media has been reporting from these same hospitals that they are inundated with flu patients.Go to the YouTube link I have posted below and watch for yourself how all of these hospital emergency rooms and tents are empty. Del Bigtree is claiming that the media hype surrounding the current H3N2 Flu "Epidemic" is being engineered by the CDC and the pharmaceutical industry in collusion with the mainstream media in order to instill fear in the public and thereby condition the public to get the flu shot. I agree with that analysis but there is one point he left out. I suspect the media has been encouraging hysteria surrounding the flu in collusion with the hospitals in order to increase the number of people going to emergency rooms so the hospitals can also make some money off of the flu business.

New False Flag, Flu-pocalypse debunked, James O'Keefe exposed Twitter, Del Agrees with Paul Offit,
