H3N2 flu hysteria 2018 similar to H1N1 2009 Pandemic Flu Hoax

 We are currently seeing a full court press in the media hyping the current flu season. Every day there is another story about a child or young adult dying from "flu" or "Sepsis" caused by "flu". We are reminded of the current strain of H3N2 and it all sounds like a blur, flu,Swine Flu,H3N2,Tamiflu and so on. It is a demonstrably false narrative that is being done to to drive sales of anti virals like Tamiflu and ineffective flu vaccines that have a dubious safety profile.
We saw a similar hype around the 2009 Swine Flu "Pandemic" which turned out to be a hoax perpetrated by the World Health Organization whose secret advisory bodies were staffed by pharmaceutical industry insiders. Fortunately there were scientists and doctors who had the guts to speak out about this at the time so we have a written record of the sordid affair. Below are three links to various accounts of the 2009 swine flu H1N1 hoax. Perhaps the most outrageous aspect of this story is how the W.H.O. changed the definition of a Pandemic just prior to declaring that Pandemic. It turned out to be a very profitable Pandemic, with some 30 Billion dollars spent by governments on Flu Vaccines and Tamiflu which they were obligated by contract to spend if the W.HO. were to declare a Pandemic. Dr Wolfgang Wodarg has pointed out how these flu vaccines that were prepared with fast growing cell lines lines in bio reactors unlike the regular seasonal flu vaccines grown in chicken eggs, were never tested for the very real possibility of causing cancer. See links below.   

Link to The elusive definition of pandemic influenza by Peter Doshi


 Link to statment by Dr. Wolfagang Wodarg to the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee
of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 

Link to Pace (Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly) report on the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic Hoax which was perpetrated by the WHO - World Health Organization and the Pharmaceutical Industry



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