Councilman Chaim Deutsch WHERE ARE YOU ???

New York City Councilman Chaim Deutsch has joined Agudath Israel Activist Chatzkel Bennet in blocking Flatbush Anti Vaxxer from twitter. I guess Chaim Deutsch does not like any scrutiny over his role in the New York City Department of Health order expelling healthy unvaccinated Orthodox Jewish Children from  Yeshivas in Brooklyn. The expulsion order is now entering it's 8th week. Several thousand children and their parents have been given an ultimatum, vaccinate or stay out of school indefinitely.  This despite the fact that the longest possible incubation period for Measles is 21 days. What we have in effect is the quarantining of healthy children in order to force their parents to follow the dictates of  New York City Health Department Bureaucrats.
As anyone can see from the 9 hour deposition of Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the entire public health vaccination paradigm is built on lies, corruption, and conflict of interest. Not a single vaccine has ever been properly tested for safety. One can only wonder how many cases of childhood cancer have been caused by the vaccine program.We can only wonder because the science has never been done even though it should have been done a long time ago by Dr Plotkin and his associates.
Forcing medical procedures on people without informed consent was deemed a war crime  back in Nuremburg.
Chaim Deutsch likes to portray himself  as someone fighting "Hate Crimes"
The current expulsion order from the NYC DOH is a real "Hate Crime". It  targets Orthodox Jewish children and denies their rights to go to Yeshiva not only for secular studies but also for prayer and the study of Jewish religious texts. These children pose no threat to anyone based on the laws of science.
So Chaim Deutsch, how about defending the rights of these kids. 

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The Plotkin Deposition
