Attacking the Lakewood Vaccine Coalition
The pile on is on. Various Orthodox Jewish nonprofit organizations, Rabbis, Doctors, Orthodox Jewish Newspapers, Orthodox Jewish news web sites and blogs, self appointed community activists, and spokespeople have all been working feverishly to denounce and defame the nascent Lakewood Vaccine Coalition. It is an attempt to snuff out this group before it even gets off the ground. In addition to deriding the so far anonymous coalition, The pro vaccine gangsters are also attempting to make a mockery of rabbis who have lent support to this coalition and the very notion that parents should have the absolute sacred right to decide what should go into their child's body without coercion from the government or anybody else. Preventing the admission of healthy unvaccinated Orthodox Jewish children to their private parochial schools is coercion and bullying in the extreme and is intolerable in a free society and is inconsistent with the values of the Torah.
What and who is really behind this frenzied hysterical attack on parents who do not want to vaccinate their children due to legitimate concerns over vaccine safety?
It is becoming increasingly clear that this feeding frenzy on the anti vaxxers is a well coordinated well financed operation with funding coming from the Federal government via the CDC. The CDC is using nonprofit health and social service providers in the Orthodox Jewish community to push "Vaccine compliance"and weaken the vaccine religious exemption laws in New York and New Jersey. Among these nonprofit providers are the Lakewood Resource and Referral Center which proudly boasts about their CDC funding on their website. The Asbury Park Press also reported that the recent presentation by Dr Paul Offit which was organized by the LRRC's executive Director Sarah Sternbach, was paid for by a federal grant. LRRC has a sister organization - Chemed Health Center.
The Asbury Park Press printed and I quote "The overwhelming response is that it is irresponsible," said Rabbi Moshe Z. Weisberg, a member of the Vaad and who serves on the steering committee of Igud Hamosdos, an organization of 120 private Jewish schools in the township. The schools obey state guidelines and the recommendations of doctors, he said."
Rabbi Weisberg I am told is an expert on getting government funding for non profits and has made a successful carreer with that skill.
A group of Lakewood doctors and health care providers published a flyer urging the community comply with the CDC. Many of these providers work for Chemed - how is that for an unbiased opinion?
In Brooklyn, It is Yeled Veyalda and Ezra Medical center that are receiving CDC vaccine performance awards and vaccine promotional funding.
Rabbi Yair Hoffman published an error ridden halachik polemic with an inflammatory and false title, against this "life threatening coalition".
Yehiva World News website published Rabbi Hoffman's Polemic and refused(censored) to publish most responses.
The Jewish Press published an error laden and misleading halachik directive from Rabbi Asher Bush also pushing for the exclusion of unvaccinated children from school.
Curiously both Rabbi Bush and Rabbi Hoffman used the same false and disgusting analogy comparing an unvaccinated child in school to a child waving around a loaded gun in the classroom. It is apparent that they have both received the same talking points, likely from the CDC or one of the many non profit organizations that CDC funds, like ECBT - Every Child By Two, on whose board Paul Offit sits.
I would venture to guess that there is probably a strategic plan sitting in some government bureaucrats office that was developed years ago that we are seeing played out now.
As far as the Orthodox community, it appears that California and specifically Los Angeles was the test case and blue print for quashing vaccine opposition in the the Orthodox Jewish community. Rabbi Hershey Ten and the Los Angeles Bikur Cholim were apparently recruited by Senator Richard Pan to help push State Senate Bill 277(SB277) which removed the vaccine religious exemption in California. Rabbi Hershey Ten has also been used as a spokesman to promote the exclusion of healthy unvaccinated children from Jewish schools. I am sorry Rabbi Ten but the word Kapo comes to mind.
Senator Richard Pan who is an MD is a close ally of Dr Paul Offit and the two of them have been working closely on getting rid of the vaccine religious exemption nationwide.
The Jewish community should take this issue very seriously. The concept of the vaccine religious exemption goes well beyond vaccines. It is about religious freedom. What will you do when the government comes and says no more Bris Milah/Circumcision - it is child abuse,or no more Shechita it is animal abuse? Incidentally Dr. Tom Freiden who headed the NYC DOH and was strongly advocating against Metzitza Bepeh went on to head the CDC under the Obama administration. Are all the Rabbis who are calling for adherence to CDC guidelines on vaccines also going to go along with CDC guidelines on circumcision?
Beyond the school issue is the summer camp issue. It seems that we have a cabal of doctors led by Dr Robert Shanik who are getting the camps to exclude unvaccinated children. I say shame on you. The science does not support these policies which are based on lies.
At the end of the day follow the money. It will likely be revealed that all of the schools,rabbis,and non profit organizations, who have been bullying the parents who do not want to vaccinate their children, are likely the recipients in one form or another of government money that is earmarked for promoting vaccine compliance.
It is wrong to sell out your community for a couple of bucks.
What and who is really behind this frenzied hysterical attack on parents who do not want to vaccinate their children due to legitimate concerns over vaccine safety?
It is becoming increasingly clear that this feeding frenzy on the anti vaxxers is a well coordinated well financed operation with funding coming from the Federal government via the CDC. The CDC is using nonprofit health and social service providers in the Orthodox Jewish community to push "Vaccine compliance"and weaken the vaccine religious exemption laws in New York and New Jersey. Among these nonprofit providers are the Lakewood Resource and Referral Center which proudly boasts about their CDC funding on their website. The Asbury Park Press also reported that the recent presentation by Dr Paul Offit which was organized by the LRRC's executive Director Sarah Sternbach, was paid for by a federal grant. LRRC has a sister organization - Chemed Health Center.
The Asbury Park Press printed and I quote "The overwhelming response is that it is irresponsible," said Rabbi Moshe Z. Weisberg, a member of the Vaad and who serves on the steering committee of Igud Hamosdos, an organization of 120 private Jewish schools in the township. The schools obey state guidelines and the recommendations of doctors, he said."
Rabbi Weisberg I am told is an expert on getting government funding for non profits and has made a successful carreer with that skill.
A group of Lakewood doctors and health care providers published a flyer urging the community comply with the CDC. Many of these providers work for Chemed - how is that for an unbiased opinion?
In Brooklyn, It is Yeled Veyalda and Ezra Medical center that are receiving CDC vaccine performance awards and vaccine promotional funding.
Rabbi Yair Hoffman published an error ridden halachik polemic with an inflammatory and false title, against this "life threatening coalition".
Yehiva World News website published Rabbi Hoffman's Polemic and refused(censored) to publish most responses.
The Jewish Press published an error laden and misleading halachik directive from Rabbi Asher Bush also pushing for the exclusion of unvaccinated children from school.
Curiously both Rabbi Bush and Rabbi Hoffman used the same false and disgusting analogy comparing an unvaccinated child in school to a child waving around a loaded gun in the classroom. It is apparent that they have both received the same talking points, likely from the CDC or one of the many non profit organizations that CDC funds, like ECBT - Every Child By Two, on whose board Paul Offit sits.
I would venture to guess that there is probably a strategic plan sitting in some government bureaucrats office that was developed years ago that we are seeing played out now.
As far as the Orthodox community, it appears that California and specifically Los Angeles was the test case and blue print for quashing vaccine opposition in the the Orthodox Jewish community. Rabbi Hershey Ten and the Los Angeles Bikur Cholim were apparently recruited by Senator Richard Pan to help push State Senate Bill 277(SB277) which removed the vaccine religious exemption in California. Rabbi Hershey Ten has also been used as a spokesman to promote the exclusion of healthy unvaccinated children from Jewish schools. I am sorry Rabbi Ten but the word Kapo comes to mind.
Senator Richard Pan who is an MD is a close ally of Dr Paul Offit and the two of them have been working closely on getting rid of the vaccine religious exemption nationwide.
The Jewish community should take this issue very seriously. The concept of the vaccine religious exemption goes well beyond vaccines. It is about religious freedom. What will you do when the government comes and says no more Bris Milah/Circumcision - it is child abuse,or no more Shechita it is animal abuse? Incidentally Dr. Tom Freiden who headed the NYC DOH and was strongly advocating against Metzitza Bepeh went on to head the CDC under the Obama administration. Are all the Rabbis who are calling for adherence to CDC guidelines on vaccines also going to go along with CDC guidelines on circumcision?
Beyond the school issue is the summer camp issue. It seems that we have a cabal of doctors led by Dr Robert Shanik who are getting the camps to exclude unvaccinated children. I say shame on you. The science does not support these policies which are based on lies.
At the end of the day follow the money. It will likely be revealed that all of the schools,rabbis,and non profit organizations, who have been bullying the parents who do not want to vaccinate their children, are likely the recipients in one form or another of government money that is earmarked for promoting vaccine compliance.
It is wrong to sell out your community for a couple of bucks.